Monday, March 13, 2017

This week we had the Reunion de Hermanas in Cojutepeque because all of our sisters are there in San Vicente and we live the farthest out. It doesn’t make sense but we went on Tuesday and had the reunion and everyone got to share what they have learned which was really great. I think we learn more when we teach than when we just sit and listen.  So they all shared and testified and we felt the spirit so strong there.  But it went long and there weren’t any more buses to Jucuapa so we were stuck in Cojute that night with the sisters there, Hna Tumax and Hna Hernandez.  We came home on Wed. and got to work! 

On Thursday we had our zone conference and it turned out that one of our zone leaders had emergency changes and so now we are not Zona Jucuapa, but we are joined with Zona Usulutan, and we are still the only sisters. So today for p-day they all went to play soccer together and the sisters aren’t allowed to play with the elders so we got permission to go to San Miguel and shop for souveniers for Hna Evans. 

On Friday we had intercambios con Hna Salguero and Hna Rivera. Rivera came with me from the Ccm and Hna Salguero was the first sister I talked to here in the mission.  They are really fun.  We were able to have a great time and we contacted and put a baptismal date with a sister who is very humble but super receptive. She is super sweet, named Vera. We are working with her. 

This week has been hard for Hna Evans because she is super baggy.  She dreams about airplanes and her family every night. I am trying to help her but wow I can only imagine her anticipation after a whole year and a half. I am grateful that I still have half my mission ahead of me. I am also grateful that it is 18 months and not 24. Sorry not sorry  :).

Hey, just to remind everyone, conference is coming up. Get ready. Pray for the prophet. Pray for answers. Pray for missionary experiences. 

Also we are going to have a temple trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited. I miss the temple so bad. Go people. You have it so stinking close to you!  Please go and do the work for all the people waiting.  And receive the blessings of peace in your own life. Go to the temple. Ashton, Allison, Hunter:… do baptisms. Ashton drives now, go all the time. You will feel so much closer to God. You will have the spirit in your life. Adults: go to the temple every week… or at least once a month.  There is a temple every two miles there in Utah. You have no excuses. Please go. I am super jealous of you guys. 

I am sweating really bad in this cyber. Wow. Is it cold there still? 

I want you all to know how much I love you and how much more I love the gospel of Jesus Christ because for him and his life, we can be together forever. Keep the commandments. This life is a time of probation. It is so short. The least we can do is live the gospel and in the end we will have the biggest blessing of all. It is so selfish to not live it now. We were taught before this mortal life everything we needed and we were given our trials because we were prepared to fight through them. Don’t let Satan trick you into thinking that this life is long. Every day is a day closer to our judgement. I don’t want to be preachy, but I know that you can fight through your problems. Your temptations. Take one day at a time to get closer to God. That is the goal that we all have. To arrive to live with him again. So we have to walk in that direction. There is no other priority. Not a thing. What are you doing everyday to get closer to Heavenly Father. You have to see the bigger picture. You have to see the map…. the timeline. 

I want to hear what you all have done to better your relationship with God this week. I want to hear your testimonies. I know that everyone of you has a tesimony. It will grow, but you have to give it what it needs… sun, soil, water… we are all responsible for our own salvation.  The saviour is merciful with us, but we have to let his grace save us as we work to deserve it. 

I know that Jesus is the Christ and that he lives. I know that he has one gospel and we have it hear in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints. We have a responsibiliity to share it. Love it. Live it. Share it  and keep the commandments. Comparto esto en el nombre de Jesu Cristo amen.

Read the Book of Mormon and the Bible. They are both the word of God.

Much love.

Hna. Ashton 😁😉❤

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