Joy's letter this week:
Hola! como esta? bien
bien? con calor? si siempre caminando, sudando,. sì porque somos misioneras de
la iglesia de jesucristo de los santos de los ultimos dias y realmente la
docrina se centra en jesucristo...
This is how we start
talking to people in the street but I’ve been having to start more and more
conversations to find new people. I am pretty solid in lecciones when we are
talking about the gospel but really small talk in Spanish is very hard. It is
hard to not make it sound completely forced, but day by day I improve a little
bit. Thank the heavens for Hermna Jara. Really. Thank the heavens.
Yesterday our
investigador Gerson passed his entrevista for his baptism and we are sooooo
excited for him. His seriously was prepared for this gospel. He is ready. He
has been ready and now this Saturday he is going to get
baptized! We are soo happy for him. Seriously, every lession we have with him
is great. What is also awesome is that he WANTS to learn more, like he really
want to learn what is right and about this gospel. He is so awesome.
We also have a family
that we are working with, the familia Romero which is so great. A few years ago
they talked with the elders but then the elders left and the family was lost,
but they are great and we really hope that we can work with them a lot more.
GET TO GO TO THE TEMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SOOOOOOOO
HAPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! This is the best thing that I can think of
doing.! I have been wanting and waiting
for this day and it has finally come! I am so happy!
And mama, I think that
is because you want it so badly, the Hermana Lideres have asked Hna Jara y yo
to sing a special number for our meeting this week. And also, we sing in every lesson
a hymn to bring the spirit. Don’t worry. I’m singing.
I have a picture of
one of our smashed pets. It is quite artistic. I should frame it to always
I love the scriptures
and every day in personal study the times goes so fast. That is the worst part
because I just want to read them all the time and find more and more
scriptures. Really, one of the fastest ways to learn is by reading the
scriptures. If not the short hour that we have as missionaries, the 10 minutes
that it takes to eat breakfast, or waiting in line at the grocery store
(because it is so nice to have the scriptures on your phones trust me) or when
you are in need of a break. Read the scriptures. For me. I wish I had more time
for it, so when you have time, read. If
you think of me, read. They are seriously so beautiful and can help our
Here are some pictures from Hna Jara`s camera of the
mom and one of her daughters in the Familia Romero.
But really. The scriptures are friends. Also they
talks from conference and in the Ensign/Liahona are so awesome. They can help
us to feel the spirit and the spirit testifies of the words of the prophets and
the profetas testify of Christ, who is the Son of God, the one who atoned for
us, who knows us perfectly, who will help us because he loves us no matter
what. He will always be there with his arms open, but we have to be the one to
take his hand and ask for his comfort and forgiveness, which he will always
give. He could not have died for us if we would not use this atonement. We can always come to him in the buenas y las
malas. Because he loves us unconditionally.
He will help us. I love Christ and I
love his gospel. I know that it has blessed my life and really how much it can
bless so many other lives too. I only have 18 with a tag that lets me say that I
am a representative of Christ so I will make every second count. I will invite
the children of God to come unto Christ so that they can feel the true
happiness that this gospel brings. I love it. I love Jesus. I love my heavenly
father and I love the restored gospel. This is a part of my testimony in words,
but really I wish I could put the feeling in my heart on this page. I share
this in the name of Jesus Christ, mi amigo. Amen.