Thursday, July 27, 2017

Hey this week there are changes in the mission... but I’m not going anywhere! Ahhhhhhhhh I’m going to kill Hna Salguero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is going to be our 4th change together!!! I was actually packing my stuff last night because I was sure that they were going to separate us! 

But today they called us while we were cleaning the house and told us that neither of us would be leaving the area! I’m probs going to be in Chaparrastique a total of 4 changes because after this change, Hna Salguero goes home and I will have to teach the other Hna that comes to our area.

If someone wants to translate this, it is part of the letter to president:

yancy esta progresando. ella va a cumplir 9 años esta semana y nos enseño su libro de mormon donde habia leido de la introduccion hasta la mitad del testimonio de jose smith. ella esta poniendo todo su esfuerzo en leer. llego a la iglesia con su libro de mormon y tiene mucho apoyo de su tia y tio. solo su abuela esta haciendo comentarios que ella no debe bautizarse hasta que tiene 13 años como su hermano david pero ella tiene mucho deseo de poder bautizarse.

ayer fuimos a una colonia en busca de una familia menos activa la abuela se llama dinora. y cuando estabamos preguntando por ellos, las personas nos dijeron que vivieron en una casa de la colonia. tocamos alli y entramos solo para encontrarnos en la casa de la persona equivocada que se llama nora. hablamos y descubrimos que son antiguos investigadores super positivos y sacaron su libro de mormon. solo nos dijeron sus preguntas y que la razon que no se bautizaron es que creen en su bautismo. presentamos la restauracion y ellos entendieron la apostasia muy bien, y explicamos el sacerdocio pero no acepto una fecha. pero va a acompañarnos a la iglesia el domingo

(This is Google Translate’s version):

Yancy is making progress. She will turn 9 this week and showed us her book of Mormo

n where she had read from the introduction to the middle of the testimony of Joseph Smith. She is putting all her effort into reading. She comes to the church with her book of Mormon and has a lot of support from her aunt and uncle. Only her grandmother is making comments that she should not be baptized until she is 13 years old as her brother David, but she has a lot of desire to be baptized.

Yesterday we went to a colony in search of a less active family. The grandmother is called Dinora. And when we were asking about them, people told us they lived in a house in the colony. We walked there and went inside only to find ourselves in the house of the wrong person called Nora. We talked and found out that they were formerly super-positive investigators and took out their Book of Mormon. They only told us their questions and that the reason they were not baptized is that they believe in their baptism. We presented the restoration and they understood the apostasy very well, and explained the priesthood but they do not accept a baptismal date. But he is going to accompany us to the church on Sunday.
You won’t be able to put it in google translate because it lacks a lot of tildes but someone who speaks will be able to understand.

Today we went to a place a little bit like Yellowstone where the hot air from the volcano gets released and it is like a sauna and it was really funny because the Elders from Jucuapa were there too and they were trying to cook eggs. Haha it was pretty funny.

We really are sooo happy to still be here in Chaparrastic, but it has been hard to find new investigators in these days. We hope that there are more that will be ready to accept the gospel in their lives. We know that they are out there.

This week I was reading in Helaman at the end when Samuel the Lamanite is teaching from the wall and how the people who listened and  believed went to Nefi who had already taught them. But these people remembered that he had the truth and got baptized. Also when Alma the Younger was called to repentance and that he was in the gall of bitterness  but remembered the words of his father when he taught of Jesus Christ.  The people that we teach right now might not accept the gospel but there will come a time when they will remember what we taught them and know that it is true and will have a change of heart and will be ready to really accept the gospel in their lives

I love you all so much!  Hna Ashton

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